WFH Slump: How to Stay Motivated Thru Quarantine
Even if you have access to a beautiful space (this is my Mom’s gym), it can still be REALLY tough to find daily motivation to work out from home when we are already spending so much time there! Read my experience below :)
If you are anything like me, the first few weeks of Shelter in Place back in March were a welcome break I desperately needed at the time.
I have a full time job outside of running X2o Studio and until Covid-19 my office was in San Francisco. I see clients all over the Bay Area from San Jose up to Santa Rosa (currently I live in the Los Gatos area) so I was spending a ton of time in my car. I have a Peloton at home but my work out game was definitely suffering. Being ordered to work from home seemed like the answer to my prayers! With no more commute, I was happily riding the Peloton in the mornings and then squeezing in a Zoom work out in the afternoons.
It was so satisfying! Until it wasn’t.
About six weeks into quarantine when I realized things were not going back to normal anytime soon, I started to get into a serious slump. With a more open schedule, I would push off my Peloton ride later and later in the day to where often it just wouldn’t happen. I would get irrationally irritated if my technology malfunctioned during a Zoom work out or if I’d forgotten to charge my iPad or AirPods. Having the studio be somewhat under construction during this time and my machines delayed due to Covid contributed to my slump. I just did not feel motivated by any content being put out there and any “Live!” workout I joined just made me think of where I’d rather be.. .in a class full of people.
We all know movement is imperative for your overall health and mood. Giving in to this period of disinterest was not an option. Anytime I completed a workout, I felt 1000x better. But at the same time, I felt like my body was giving me signals it needed some serious rest after having such an insane in person work schedule for so long.
Now that we have been in quarantine going on five months (WTF?), I have managed to get myself back into a better routine. I can’t say I have the same discipline right now that I did 6 months ago, but honestly with all going on in the world, who cares. The beauty of exercise is you can pick it back up anytime; you can have periods where you go at it harder and periods where yoga or a walk is more your thing.
Below are some strategies I used to get over the hump. Let me know of any methods you have used!
1.) Try shorter workouts:
I used to only “count” a workout if it was at least an hour. Add the time it would take to get me to wherever the workout was, parking, changing clothes and then deciding whether or not to wash my hair after the class, roughly 3 hours of my day would be spent on a work out. While I am at home or at my studio every day now, I am using that time to be more productive at my work… and I don’t have 3 hours to spare. I’ve now come to realize, you can get the same burn and the same endorphin rush in a lot less time if you just commit to a quality workout of around 30 minutes. The Peloton app has so many great options for under 30 minutes. You don’t need to have a bike to subscribe and you can pick your workouts based on equipment you have at home.
2.) Find a way to connect your exercise with friends or family
Did you know you can ride live with friends on Peloton? I just learned recently but you can actually see your friend on the screen! Scheduling a ride at the same time as someone you know also helps keep you accountable to actually do it.
3.) Focus on ONE type of exercise per day
Now that I have my Xformer machines in the studio, you bet I am working out on them even if we are closed! However, I still find getting a workout done is a lot more manageable if I just stick to strength training OR cardio but not both (unless I wake up with boundless energy and a free schedule… yeah right). So now I try to alternate days, Monday/Wednesday/Friday I’ll do an XFormer workout as strength training, the other days I’ll run outside or ride the Peloton. Usually there is a rest day or two in there where I just try and take the dog for a good walk.
4.) Try an exercise that is totally new to you
With so many studios moving online and so many hours of free fitness content on YouTube or Instagram, now is the time to try something new! Have you been following a cool looking studio on Instagram but have never worked out with them because they’re out of state? Chances are they have put out some kind of online content.
My personal favorite studios that are generating quality virtual workouts are
1. Flexx Studios (@flexxstudiosburlingame)
2. The Studio MDR (@thestudiomdr)
3. MNTSTUDIO (@mntstudio)!
Follow instructors from your favorite studios and make note of when they host live workouts.
It’s also a good time to try a workout you might not feel confident doing in person because it’s SO far out of your comfort zone. For example, if you’ve always wanted to try cardio kick boxing but you feel a little uncoordinated, try it out in the privacy of your living room! No one will see if you’re a few beats behind on your first try.
Some of my personal favorite trainers running quality live workout classes are
1. @MaryMillerMethod: Lagree inspired workouts
2. @Oddballfitness: Movement, Stretching & Cognitive Health
3. @CaliforniaCarlie: Pilates & Mat workouts
5.) Take a break
Honestly. Things are hard enough right now. If exercise is becoming a “task” to you and a source of dread instead of a positive outlet, TAKE A BREAK and come back to it. Taking a break doesn’t have to mean lying on the couch every day and throwing away your Apple Watch. Listen to your body, take it day by day. go on a long walk alone and listen to a good podcast.
Ease back into a routine slowly but only if it feels goods to you!
You get one body in this life and it’s going to see you through good times and bad. Take the time you need to honor it and let it just be during this uncertain time.